Cine creează un psihopat: natura sau mediul?

Material suplimentar:

  1. Fallon, James. The psychopath inside: A neuroscientist’s personal journey into the dark side of the brain. Penguin, 2014.
  2. Gaudi, Simona, et al. „Epigenetic mechanisms and associated brain circuits in the regulation of positive emotions: A role for transposable elements.” Journal of Comparative Neurology 524.15 (2016): 2944-2954.
  3. Embree, Molly, et al. „The relation of developmental changes in brain serotonin transporter (5HTT) and 5HT1A receptor binding to emotional behavior in female rhesus monkeys: Effects of social status and 5HTT genotype.” Neuroscience 228 (2013): 83-100.
  4. Wankerl, M., et al. „Effects of genetic and early environmental risk factors for depression on serotonin transporter expression and methylation profiles.” Translational psychiatry 4.6 (2014): e402-e402.
  5. Kellermann, Natan PF. „Epigenetic transmission of holocaust trauma: can nightmares be inherited.” The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences 50.1 (2013): 33-39.
  6. Zak, Paul J., Robert Kurzban, and William T. Matzner. „Oxytocin is associated with human trustworthiness.” Hormones and behavior 48.5 (2005): 522-527.
  7. Grasby, Katrina L., et al. „The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex.” Science 367.6484 (2020): eaay6690.

1 thought on “Cine creează un psihopat: natura sau mediul?”

  1. Pasionant! Este, de departe, cel mai interesant articol publicat pe blog pana acum! Felicitari si multumiri pentru timpul si efortul alocate traducerii si publicarii!
    Subiectul este nu numai interesant ci si foarte util, problema abordata fiind, dupa parerea mea, de o stringenta actualitate. Traim niste vremuri cumplite si multa lume nu-si explica de ce au loc tot felul de violente si de ce a iesit la iveala, dintr-o data, atata agresivitate. Nu stim foarte multe lucruri despre creier si genetica, iar blogul asta incearca sa lamureasca intrucatva lucrurile. MULTUMIM!

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