Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for content on this site

The content on this site belongs to Gândurile Adei, where by content we mean: the posts, the site terms and policies, the images and/or videos that accompany the posts unless otherwise specified, and the visual elements used to customize the site’s theme. With the exception of accompanying images and/or videos and theme’s custom visual elements, you may use Gândurile Adei ‘s content as allowed by Digital Millennium Copyright Act but we retain any intellectual property rights that we have in our content. Don’t remove, obscure, or alter any of our branding, logos, or legal notices.

Terms and conditions for commenting on this site

Gândurile Adei welcomes comments that are respectful and on point. Our comment policy aims to preserve the quality of discussion here, which we wish to be very high. So we use the following approach:

  • First Comment: Your first comments – as well as comments that are very long or look like spam – will be moderated. We will try to be as fast as possible at releasing comments, but that depends on how busy our lives get. Please be a little patient!
  • Banning: We reserve the right to ban users who do not comment but instead test the defenses of the site as well as other users. Reasons for banning include: repeated ad hominem attacks; threats of violence, including against public figures; use of multiple identities on the site; consistent off-topic comments.
  • Legal: The views of Gândurile Adei ‘s commenters are their own and do not reflect the views of Gândurile Adei ‘s proprietor and/or contributors.
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