What makes a psychopath: nature or nurture?

Additional material:

  1. Fallon, James. The psychopath inside: A neuroscientist’s personal journey into the dark side of the brain. Penguin, 2014.
  2. Gaudi, Simona, et al. “Epigenetic mechanisms and associated brain circuits in the regulation of positive emotions: A role for transposable elements.” Journal of Comparative Neurology 524.15 (2016): 2944-2954.
  3. Embree, Molly, et al. “The relation of developmental changes in brain serotonin transporter (5HTT) and 5HT1A receptor binding to emotional behavior in female rhesus monkeys: Effects of social status and 5HTT genotype.” Neuroscience 228 (2013): 83-100.
  4. Wankerl, M., et al. “Effects of genetic and early environmental risk factors for depression on serotonin transporter expression and methylation profiles.” Translational psychiatry 4.6 (2014): e402-e402.
  5. Kellermann, Natan PF. “Epigenetic transmission of holocaust trauma: can nightmares be inherited.” The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences 50.1 (2013): 33-39.
  6. Zak, Paul J., Robert Kurzban, and William T. Matzner. “Oxytocin is associated with human trustworthiness.” Hormones and behavior 48.5 (2005): 522-527.
  7. Grasby, Katrina L., et al. “The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex.” Science 367.6484 (2020): eaay6690.
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