
Welcome to Gândurile Adei or Ada’s Thoughts in English. If you want to know why Ada is so thoughtful in the picture below, I invite you to read her message.

Giuseppe PortaThe wayside pause

April 10, 2024

Dear readers,

I think you already heard that the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, had been diagnosed with cancer. After the public announcement made by the princess herself, all publications began to have articles dedicated to this topic and, by extension, to the topic of cancer.

One of these articles caught my attention because it reproduced testimonies of survivors of this terrible disease who had no typical signs or symptoms at the onset of the disease.

I thought that this kind of content, organized by type of cancer and covering the most common and/or prevalent cancers, can be useful to anyone as it reminds us to take care of ourselves and to listen carefully to our body’s inner voice.

That’s why I wrote an article on this topic, which I invite you to read here.


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